UIAAAN Newsletter | September 2013 | | Latest Events | | | UIAAAN Summer Time Picnic This event was held on Sunday July 28, 2013. Naperville River Walk, inside Centennial Beach. | The summer time picnic was a success! Many people came, and we had hotdogs and burgers as well as brownies, fruit, and chips. There were social times and a bonding game. The age group varied, and people came from all over the U.S. We had some people living in the Naperville area, Urbana Champaign area, Chicago area, as well as someone from California. | | Featured Alum | Jenny Chan is the founder of Foundation Honoring Nanjing Massacre Survivors. She was inspired by Illinois alumni during her time as a student, to do more and to reach out. With one of the largest alumni networks, University of Illinois has cultivated many people who are committed to excellence and service around the world. To read more about Jenny and Foundation Honoring Nanjing Massacre Survivors, please visit our UIAAAN blog. | | | |  | News from Illinois: Report from Chancellor Wise | | | Chancellor Phyllis Wise went on a Listening and Learning Tour during her first semester at Illinois in Fall 2011. The purpose of the Tour was to hear why faculty, staff, and students come to Illinois, why they stay, and what challenges they foresee that will need to be addressed to ensure Illinois' continued excellence and relevance. The chancellor initiated Visioning Future Excellence at Illinois to address these challenges. | The Visioning Future Excellence at Illinois has included input from nearly 3000 individuals, including faculty, academic professionals, civil service staff, graduate students, undergraduate students, alumni, community members, and corporate leaders. | |  | How You Can Support Our Students | The UIAAAN created a first-ever Asian American Alumni Scholarship Award to support our students on July, 2013. The scholarship will be generated and funded by alumni. It is conducted by the University of Illinois Asian American Alumni Network and its liaisons to support under represent ethnics and minority student groups in the University of Illinois. A $500 annual scholarship will be awarded to students at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign for engaging with and assisting the Asian American Studies Program, which is sponsored by the University of Illinois Asian American Alumni Network. | Contribute here » | |  | Career Tips | | | Never stop learning. The world is constantly changing, so if you want a career in the future, you should update your skills and knowledge regulary. | Ask, listen, and learn from the people around you such as your co-workers, your boss, and your superiors. Ask about issues that you're interested in, and listen to what they have to say. | Fulfill your current job. If you do your current job well and fulfill your responsibilities, this will be a great way to start a new career. | | Alumni Leadership Conference | Friday, October 25 at 7:30 a.m.–4:45 pm, Richmond Family Gallery/Ballroom, Alice Campbell Alumni Center—Join fellow alumni leaders from across the country at the 2013 Alumni Leadership Conference sponsored by the University of Illinois Alumni Association. See the agenda on cvent.com for more information about the leadership conference as well as homecoming including invitation, weekend agenda, staff, hotel information, football tickets, and leadership conference agenda. | | Fun Facts of UIAAAN | Since August 2013, the UIAAAN has posted 216 current job openings. | | Open Positions | We are currently looking for a secretary. For more information, please visit our Web site. Please email uiaaan2010@gmail.com for an application. Thank you! |  | The mission of UIAAAN is to strive for the betterment of the University of Illinois as an agency for education, public service, cultural, and social progress and to provide a space where interested Asian/Asian American alumni can contribute to and become involved with the University of Illinois, other alumni, and the broader Asian/Asian American communities. |  | | © 2013 University of Illinois Asian American Alumni Network | |
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