UIAAAN Newsletter | March 2014 | | Announcement | Thank you all for responding to our survey! Our findings showed that the best way to connect with alumni is through our quarterly newsletter. In our future newsletter, we will provide the latest updates on the U of I, local resources for alumni, ways that UIAAAN supports alumni and students, and continuing education opportunities for alumni. The survey summary is as follows: | Background: - 58% currently live outside of Illinois; 25% graduated before 1990
Knowledge of and interest in UIAAAN: - 40% are not familiar with UIAAAN. Those familiar with UIAAAN learned about it through the newsletter and friends/acquaintances.
- 47% are willing to support UIAAAN with a nominal sustainable membership contribution
- 22% are looking for networking opportunities
The entire survey result can be accessed here. |  | News at Urbana-Champaign Campus | In late January, U of I Chancellor Phyllis Wise announced that classes would not be cancelled despite inclement weather. What followed was a series of racist/ sexist tweets targeting her as an Asian American woman and a university, student, alumni, and community response. Click here for background on the incident. | Follow up on Chancellor Wise’s Twitter Incident | UIAAAN Scholarship: | Our current scholarship funds have accumulated to $2,012.86 in 8 months! Thank you all your support! Special Thanks: - Mr. and Mrs. Horace Wu
- Mr. and Mrs. Paul Poy
- Mr and Mrs. Shane Carlin
Also, thanks to the Asian American Cultural Center at Illinois. The center will administer the scholarship and nomination process for 2014. The recipient will be announced and awarded on Monday, April 21st, 2014 at the Alice Campbell Alumni Center. | Learn more about the UIAAAN Scholarship and how to donate. | 20th Anniversary Asian Pacific American Coalition (APAC) | APAC is hosting Alumni Weekend on April 5th. The weekend will include a round-table discussion with the alumni; viewing of the APAC art exhibit displayed in the activities room of the AACC; and other social events. |  | University of Illinois Alumni Association | Last chance of No Fee* Alumni Career Center Webinars - Winter - Web-Panel: What Employers Look for While Screening, Thursday, March 20th 7–8 p.m. (Central Time) *No fee for University of Illinois alumni; $45 for Friends of Alumni
| Other Alumni Career Services | Our Story-U of I history & traditions: Support UIAA to identify and share existing historical resources and tell us the stories. | Call for Volunteers | We are currently looking for volunteers in various levels. Please email us at uiaaan2010@gmail.com for more information. Thank you! |  | The mission of UIAAAN is to strive for the betterment of the University of Illinois as an agency for education, public service, cultural, and social progress and to provide a space where interested Asian/Asian American alumni can contribute to and become involved with the University of Illinois, other alumni, and the broader Asian/Asian American communities. |  | | © 2014 University of Illinois Asian American Alumni Network | |
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