UIAAAN Newsletter | Summer 2014 | | Main Announcement | Welcome class of 2014. Join University of Illinois Asian American Alumni Network! | In this summer newsletter, you will meet our latest UIAAAN Scholarship recipient-Tarcy Mapaye, learn the details of the 2014 Summer BBQ, our mentoring program, and how Asian Americans can speak up and share our opinions with University of Illinois Alumni Association! | | | Scholarship | Thank you all for continuing to support the UIAAAN scholarship. The current scholarship highlights are as follows: - The scholarship has risen $2330.86 as of today since July, 2013 and is still growing steadily. In 2015, the scholarship will be able to award two students.
- Tracy Mapaye is the first student awarded by the UIAAAN scholarship
Tracy is a first generation Filipino-American at Illinois and her major is in Chemistry. She will be a senior in Fall 2014 and is one of many very active Asian American student leaders on campus. She appreciates the scholarship and wants to take the opportunity to thank you all | Special Thanks Special thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Horace Wu, Mr. and Mrs. Paula Poy, Mr. and Mrs. Shane Carlin, Ms. Michelle Chhong, Ms. Minyoung Kwak, Ms. Cleda Wang, Mr. Jeffery Lei and kind community members in Champaign-Urbana and Oakbrook from our Barnes and Noble Holiday Gift Wrapping fundraising event. Learn more about how the scholarship to support our students: UIAAAN scholarship | | | Summer Gathering | UIAAAN was invited to co-host the 2014 summer BBQ with Chicago Taiwanese American Professionals (TAP- Chicago). TAP-Chicago is a well-developed Asian American non-profit organization in Chicago since 2008. The group has been partners with various Asian American organizations in the greater Chicagoland area for social and professional development events on a weekly basis. | Location: Montrose Beach 4400N Lake Shore Drive Chicago, IL 60640
| Date: Mid-August, 2014 Time: TBA More details will be announced on our Facebook group. (We will also send an email for alumni RSVPed) [ RSVP link is here for those who do not use Facebook ] | | | University of Illinois Alumni Associate want to hear from us: | Alumni Humanitarian Award Nomination: The Alumni Humanitarian Award, established in 2001 and presented to alumni who, through their outstanding professional contributions and/or volunteer leadership, have significantly improved or enriched the lives of others and the welfare of humanity, on a national or international scale. Deadline: August 31st, 2014 Criteria » Online Nomination Form » Hardcopy Nomination Form » Mailing address for hard copy form: Alice Campbell Alumni Center 601 S. Lincoln Avenue, Urbana, IL 61801 Contact Information: If you experience any difficulties with this online form, please contact the Alumni Association at 217/333-1471, or fax the nomination to 217/333-7803, or send e-mail to alumni@uillinois.edu. UI Welcome Center Survey For the preparation of the University’s 2017 Sesquicentennial celebration, a “welcome center” is considered to be a part of the Alice Campbell Alumni Center on the Urbana-Champaign campus. Stephen C. Van Arsdell ’72, MAS ‘73, chair, University of Illinois Alumni Association History & Traditions Committee would like to invite alumni to share your input of this project. Message from Stephen C. Van Arsdell (email-attachment) Deadline: August 5th , 2014 The estimated time to complete the Survey: 5-10minutes. | | Do you know UIAAAN has a Facebook Group!? | If you are on Facebook, please join us and share your thoughts, events and news on our and UIAAAN Group page. Beginning this year, there are themes for each month, but members are welcome to share anything you would like. | | | | What’s next? | The featured story of the next issue of newsletter will be “Meet APAA Leadership Internship Endowment Fund founders In April 2014, this group of close friend from the 90’s established the Asian Pacific American Alumni Leadership Internship Endowment Fund, traveled back to Illinois and presented the fund to Asian American Cultural Center (AACC) and Monisha Shah, the first fund receiver intern at AACC. Stay tune on our next newsletter and learn the who, why and how the fund was established and get to know Monisha Shah. | Volunteers we need you!!! | UIAAAN is a non-for-profit organization with volunteer board members and we welcome all kinds of support. You may learn more about how you can volunteer here. UIAAAN appreciate your feedback and comments and look forward to hearing from you soon. | | We encourage and nurture meaningful relationships to create a supportive community of Asian and Asian American alumni and students by providing comprehensive programming and opportunities that illustrate University of Illinois pride. | | | © 2013 University of Illinois Asian American Alumni Network | |
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